lunes, 1 de abril de 2019


Most Americans are monolinguals. They are brought up speaking only one language, which is English. They grow up watching people from other cultures who know their native language as well as English. Not only the attraction for speaking multiple languages motivates people to become multi-lingual. Being multi-lingual also helps in career opportunities that propels them significantly forward.
There is slight difference between a multilingual and a polyglot. A multilingual person learns different languages because of necessities. On the other hand, a polyglot is a lover of languages, different cultures, and intellectual curiosity. Here are five quick tips to become a polyglot:
Study One Book In Several Languages
Perhaps, this is the most effective and easiest method of enhancing your reading expertise in different languages. Instead of reading different books in different languages, read one simple book in multiple lingos.  Some books are specially meant for polyglots, which are written in English on even pages, but in another language on odd pages. This trick allows you to understand two languages in a short span. You will also be able to interpret the structure of grammar and sentences. To start with, you can refer to books like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Twilight, and many more. These books are easily available in multiple languages.

Use Your Active Time For Learning
You have to put in extra efforts to become a polyglot. You can set reminders to spend 10 minutes thrice a day during your working hours to learn a word or two. Spending 10 minutes in this routine will add up to 3-4 hours per week. For instance, if you want to learn Chinese in Singapore, you can also listen to songs in Chinese or other target languages during the workout, commuting, or even cooking. This will generate more productivity out of you just those limited 24 hours.
Analyze Your Potential For Learning The Number Of Languages
Becoming a polyglot is not a one day-task. You might have heard tips about learning multiple languages at a time. This is a preference of some people, but not all. If you are comfortable learning one language at a time, follow your instinct. If you can handle the load of multiple languages simultaneously without confusing the words, you are free to do it. However, make sure that you give each language the attention it requires. It is no use learning many things at a time and mastering none of them. Not forgetting, practice speaking the words or sentences that you have learned out loud. Speaking helps in improving your grasp towards the new language.
Learn Languages Of The Same Family
It becomes significantly easy to learn multiple languages from the same family. Once you have mastered one language, it becomes easy to master the related languages, which have the same origin. For instance, if you learn Spanish first, you can easily learn Italian. Then, you can proceed to learn French, which is again related to Italian. Then, you can try Portuguese. All of these languages belong to the Latin family. Every time you learn a new language, the time spent in attaining fluency is reduced. Stay motivated and you will soon be on your way to be a polyglot!
Be Passionate
Do not learn multiple languages, just because it sounds cool. You have to be passionate about the language, the new culture or simply be curious to learn a new language effectively. You need to put in a lot of effort and it may dishearten you if you are not motivated enough.

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