viernes, 10 de julio de 2020



Current circumstances seem to limit us to the tasks that have been usually part of our daily lives, but contrarily to this, in the HOLLOWAY INSTITUTE has awakened the innovation of opportunities - Online. In this sector our student community can accesses from our learning as a competitive advantage through the virtual universe that is coming, that has arrived, that is here and to stay.

For this reason, it is possible from our new HOLLOWAY VIRTUAL 2.0 department, to undertake this cyberspace journey with the security and trust of a multidisciplinary team that supports a 100% effective methodology.

HOLLOWAY VIRTUAL 2.0 seeks to expand the possibilities within the framework of the creation of a pedagogical methodology which brings innovation and also integrates three tools on a virtual level:

The video-conferences, the virtual whiteboard and the presentation, these will guide, connect, encourage and structure activities done from the comfort of the home or the office, scenarios and spaces that are significant in today's society.

The nature of this present environment leads to the awakening of new social, economic, technological and educational incentives challenges, that cannot be underestimated, as they remain rooted in what is commonly traditionally. 

However, in these most complex circumstances that the world has presented, HOLLOWAY INSTITUTE has created a new department that leads the student community through the virtual route demanded today, achieving resounding success in the hands of professionals, while also prioritizing giving personalized guidance.

We are still here to make our students' lives easier and more practical, along with their constant professional growth, simply because, it is our job.

Finally, HOLLOWAY INSTITUTE invites the entire student community to retake their language classes with the certainty of an effective methodology, being in the hands of qualified experts, who guarantee results based on permanent technological research tasks, applied with pedagogical responsibility. With HOLLOWAY VIRTUAL 2.0 you will continue to encounter what has always captivated you about our institute: Excellence, quality and achievement of goals.

Even as times become more difficult, expectations and demands should continue to rise; as well as desires to fulfill business objectives, business and positive learning goals.

HOLLOWAY VIRTUAL 2.0 not only will accompany you in perfecting a language, but will also participate hand in hand with new technology adaptation to daily life, it will continue to develop and innovate the most effective and efficient ways of teaching languages.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020


If you are thinking of taking a course or studying online but you are not sure that this is the right option for you, read on. Here I explain what a virtual classroom is and what its benefits are.

A virtual classroom is an online learning environment, in other words it is a class that is received via the Internet and that creates an adequate space for communication and distance learning.

You can access this learning environment via software by having to download and run a file on your computer or via the web, which is the preferred option since you can access the portal from any device at any time.

In the virtual classroom you can connect with your classmates and tutors synchronously (live) or asynchronously in which you can review the contents at the time that is most convenient for you and from your workstation.

You will use educational technology applications such as video conferences, videos, presentations, readings, message boards, chats and forums, among others.

With virtual education you will eliminate many of the limitations that have prevented you from starting or continuing your education in traditional settings.

6 Benefits of the virtual classroom:

There are no geographic barriers
The virtual classroom gives you access to a large number of educators and educational establishments around the world. You can access the best universities and a wide variety of careers not available in your geographic location.

Virtual education allows students to expose themselves and share with diverse cultures and overcome traditional communication, location, time and cost barriers.

Save of time and money

You will be able to save time and money by not having to go to another place, pay for parking, the cost that the institution adds to the use of facilities and other physical services.

You will save money on material resources such as notebooks, sheets and prints as the material is available online. In short, you can do more with less.
Sessions with audio and video
There are multiple advantages to receiving virtual classes and being able to have the learning material in different formats. One of the main advantages is that if you cannot attend live video conferences you can listen to the recording.

If you can participate live you will have the opportunity to interact with your classmates and tutor, exchange ideas and answer questions. By having audio and video recordings you have the option to listen to them as many times as necessary.

You will be able to know different learning tools which also allows you to be more motivated and maintain interest in the subject. If you have mobile internet you can listen to the recordings on the way to work or in free time.

Differentiated and flexible learning

The virtual classroom is an excellent tool to differentiate teaching and thus facilitate the learning of diverse students.

I explain to you, the weakest students in some area can achieve more confidence and self-confidence as they can access the material as many times as necessary, help themselves with complementary material and have the support of the tutor and other colleagues who collaboratively support solving doubts and offering solutions.

For the most advanced student there is the possibility of extending their learning with complementary material and web tools.

In the virtual classroom you can personalize your education, actively participate and take ownership of your learning process, easily being aware of your own progress and thought processes. (metacognition).

A student in a virtual classroom can make as much progress as they want with the support of the tutor and peers. The tutor supports you to become a lifelong learner who builds his own learning.

Continuous feedback
Tutors are available to give you continuous feedback about your doubts, your work and your performance.

In the virtual classroom, the tutor is available live during video conferences and almost all the time through email, chats or forums.

The online tutor will indicate how long or at what time he will be available to communicate with you. Technology favors group cohesion and peer support.

Responsibility for learning

Technology favors the organization and classification of documents and their availability. You can access them 24/7 as many times as you want and they are easy to locate.

Classes include supplementary material and options of tools and suggestions with which you can extend your learning.

Students who have had problems with the organization of their learning can find in the virtual classroom new forms and tools that facilitate their style and preference, from games, video, audio and stories to traditional reading texts.

You can be more aware of your own learning process, your progress and your needs and be the one who decides how far you want to go.

The virtual classroom overcomes the barriers of time, distance and money, if you have a good internet service and want to continue your learning,

Do not wait more! there is a high probability that this will become your favorite learning modality.